Sunday, January 23, 2022




Sir Pocholo inspires us again telling us how he stands and continues his purpose in spite of the pandemic crisis, how he manages to move forward and help people to stand on their own. I admire how sir Pocholo gave as hope to continue in life and move forward. He wants people to fight in spite of the crisis that is happening and at the same time give them an opportunity to join CVAP, it was free training for everyone who wants to use their voice and skills in creating a better version of themselves, inspire others. And to move forward in times of difficulties that we are experiencing right now.

Day 3, I want to begin this by saying ....what am I living for? Just as the voice master convicting question. I was asking myself that question also because I believe that it will give us wisdom and enlightenment in living in this world. 

Steve Jobs in his quote" We are here in the world to put a dent". And the connection to the question of sir Pocholo is exactly connecting in that quote. A word that will give us a question to define and determine our existence in this world. 

John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

I was reminded of this bible verse. Every one of us has a purpose in God's amazing grace. It's up to us to figure it out. Through His Word, we will find our purpose and the true meaning of life. To serve others is the greatest way to find your own purpose in life. To love them as yourself. That's why I really love the mantra of sir Pocholo. I thought this voice training is just learning to be a great voice artist but I was surprised and amazed to learn the words of wisdom of the Voice Master. I salute the dedication, compassion, and love that he was sharing with the world. 

And ma'am Nikki Esmero the executive director of cvap visited us in our day 3, reminded us once again to enjoy the training. I love her joke ;;;Ang nagtaas ng kamay ay magkaka jowa or mag iimprove yong love life. hehehe''' sana all may jowa because i am a single..huhuhu.....just kidding in crying, praying my partner also, 💖

To accept also our own voice and love our own voice. For sharing our story to everyone to inspire others. and again reminding us the word VOLUNTEERISM idea is the best way to widen our experience and develop our voice.

What's up....!!! PAPA LEM IN THE HOUSE......wowowwwowowoowoooooo- our speaker for the day

The happy, funny, and joyful guy is sir Papa Lem. I very interesting beginning also in his career of being a voice artist. He teaches us how to market our voice and how to create great social content. And also our gadgets and devices in creating our own voiceover to send the clients. To explore, volunteers and practice is a combination of being a great voice artist. To use social media or maximize it to make as a tool in marketing our voice. To be able to widen our digital marketing in the industry of voice artists. Social Media is our gasoline.

And the afternoon activity......................

Again everyone is in focus, I can tell in the faces of my batchmate. We are worried about our zoomarte because we didn't know if our output is suiting for the ear of our mentors and coaches. But I think we did our best and just go with enjoyment to be able to apply our learning. Happy for the outcome of my break-out room because we are able to overcome our fears and our confidence also is beginning to level up. That's it, guys!

HAPPY, FUNNY, AND JOYFUL Day 3, 😄😄😄, to be continued,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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