Monday, January 31, 2022

CVAP DAY 4 CVAP Batch 11


The day begins with a happy tongue twister for everyone. And everyone is an enthusiast in this morning to wake up everybody in a new day. This is the last day of our training and seems everyone is still excited, motivated, and inspired. You can see in the smile, face, and voice of everybody. 

And Ma'am Nikki once again visited us and, support us, motivate us on our last day of training. Reminding us always to love and accept our own voice and to be the number 1 fan of ourselves. Use our voice to empower others in doing our purpose because someone out there needs to hear our voice or story. She also gives 2 microphones to lucky voice artists that need equipment in starting their own best output of voice-over to help. To focus and be consistent after graduation of being a voice artist just like our tasks in our training. To continue to develop and improve our voice to be great.

Our speaker ma'am Janeane Santos is also a CVAP graduate, known as the golden voice. And beautiful voice artist, 💘. The inspiring story also of becoming a voice artist. In spite of many and various auditions, she never gives up. She pursues her love, passion, and purpose of becoming a great voice artist. Again a powerful testimony of pursuing your dreams, that no one can stop as long as you are determined and focused.

She thought us the importance of practice3x in order for us to be the best and great voice artists. Every field uses this mindset to be the best in their careers. Practice makes perfect.

The importance of practice will take us always to be the best voice artist. It is a continuous process in developing, improving, and growing as a voice artist.


She also teaches where to get clients and build a good relationship after giving a voice over with them in order for us to refer in their friends or partners in business. And to market ourselves in auditions and several groups to join in order to collaborate with them also to widen our experience. It is a good start in searching for clients and sending demos of our output to clients. And don't lose hope just be positive because if it is your time to shine no one can stop

Rejection is a motivation to be the best. There is always a chance to achieve your goal. Rest and continue your passion. Don't lose hope never, never, never. Move forward and bounce back better than before, strive to be the best of whatever you do to inspire others. We will never know our chance or opportunity to come. So do your best at all times. Rejection happens, it's natural, it is a part of your journey as a great voice artist.




The man behind the 36 voice visited us also, sir Jay Jay. 

 We are the first as usual for the activity, but it's ok because it works I mean we did our best. We learned to overcome our fear and boost our confidence in doing our activity. Thank God for the courage to help us do our passion as voice artists. And also our fellow break-out room I congratulate every one of us for a job well done. Glory to God always for these achievements, credit to the Lord always. 

Yes, I am proud to be part of break out 1 as = RISE AS ONE. We made it in JESUS grace! I am proud of you guys. And of course to our break-out mentor Sir John and Ma'am Maja. JOB WELL DONE TO ALL OF US.

Sir Pocholo close the day with a great reminder  :

Loyalty, Commitment, and Dedication

Money is not the motivation in our career as voice artists. But to always remember our CVAP MANTRA to remind us at we are doing this out of love and serving others and living our purpose and to use our voice to inspire others and make a difference in this world to make a better generation of voice artists. Thankful and grateful to sir Pocholo for this opportunity. And I was blessed because this is the last batch we could see him join our next batch. I salute sir Pocholo, words of wisdom that are always to be admired and apply in our daily life. Once again thank yous so much to ur Voice master of the Philipines to all the organizers and to all sponsors and volunteers who dedicated and shared their skills in helping us as a voice artist. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU SO MUCH CVAP . TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY.


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